Explore our library of adviser resources

The Hub draws on our own expertise, and the expertise of other thought leaders in this space.

We hope to provide content that can help advisers achieve their objectives, improve their understanding of technical tax scenarios, bolster their relationship with clients, and meet their regulatory responsibilities.

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Most popular resources

Inheritance Tax
Business Relief

Key Inheritance Tax (IHT) terms and definitions

Explore our glossary of key Inheritance Tax (IHT) terms and definitions. Understand essential IHT terminology to navigate inheritance tax with confidence and ease.

CPD Certification
15 min read
CPD Resource
Hear from the experts

Fund of funds: A smarter choice for personal CGT limits

Learn how funds of funds are well suited to the lower personal Capital Gains Tax (CGT) free allowance

CPD Certification
5 min read
CPD Resource
Inheritance Tax
Business Relief

BR basics series: Qualifying holding periods and Replacement Relief

It is important to understand the qualifying holding periods in the context of IHT planning because this will determine qualification of Business Relief qualifying assets.

CPD Certification
15 min read
CPD Resource
Inheritance Tax
Business Relief

BR basics series: The Nil Rate Band

It is important to understand the Nil Rate Band in the context of Inheritance Tax planning (IHT), because no IHT is payable unless an estate value exceeds this threshold.

CPD Certification
15 min read
CPD Resource
Inheritance Tax
Business Relief

BR basics series: Spousal Exemption

It is important to understand the Spousal Exemption in the context of Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning because it can impact when that planning is and is not needed.

CPD Certification
15 min read
CPD Resource
CPD course
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

CPD course: Business Relief advanced

Take our CPD accredited Business Relief (BR) course to understand more complex rules, reliefs and scenarios when it comes to Business Relief as an estate planning solution for your client.

CPD Certification
1 hour 49 mins
CPD Resource
Case study
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Business Relief and Trusts

Understand an example of how Business Relief can be used to compliment a Trust in order to help mitigate an IHT liability

CPD Certification
10 min read
CPD Resource
Planning scenario
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Two year qualifying holding period and successive transfers

Understand how exemptions such as Successive Transfers and Quick Succession Relief can interact with Business Relief.

CPD Certification
10 min read
CPD Resource
Hear from the experts
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax
What advisers asked

Adviser questions series: Putting Business Relief investments into a Discretionary Trust

What IFA’s have been asking me this month: Can my client put their Business Relief investments into a Discretionary Trust to mitigate IHT liability when their spouse passes on their estate to their children?

CPD Certification
20 min read
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Understanding Quick Succession Relief (QSR)

Join Downing's Nick Priest as he discusses qualifying periods and successive transfers, the difference in qualifying and non-qualifying assets​ and Quick Succession Relief (QSR).

CPD Certification
4 min watch
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

The Residence Nil Rate Band (RNRB)

Join Downing's Nick Priest as he discusses maximising entitlement IHT reliefs and exemptions by understanding the interaction of Business Relief BR assets with RNRB​.

CPD Certification
6 min watch
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Spousal Exemption in practice

Join Downing's Nick Priest as he discusses the two year qualifying holding period and Spousal Exemption​ and the role it plays in assets qualifying for Business Relief (BR).

CPD Certification
3 min watch
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

The fourteen-year rule explained

Join our experts as they discuss the fourteen-year rule and explain the relationship between transfers made within the last seven years before death, and those made seven years after​. ​

CPD Certification
10 min watch
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

The order of gifting

Join our experts as they dicuss the order of gifting and why its important when it comes to estate planning, and much more.

CPD Certification
10 min watch
CPD Resource
Webinar (upcoming)
Inheritance Tax
Business Relief

The golden years: Tax planning for clients approaching retirement ​

Join our experts as we discuss, how to create appropriate income strategies that consider an all-asset approach and much more.

10 September 2024
CPD Certification
CPD Resource
Webinar (upcoming)
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Matching tax effective estate planning solutions to client needs

Join our experts as they discuss the wide range of potential client aspirations in relation to estate planning and much more.

06 August 2024
CPD Certification
10:30 AM
CPD Resource
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

Your guide to Business Relief

Understand Business Relief (BR), why it was established, and how it can used as a form of estate planning to potentially reduce your Inheritance Tax bill.

CPD Certification
30 min read
CPD Resource
CPD course
Business Relief
Inheritance Tax

CPD course: Business Relief fundamentals

Take our CPD accredited Business Relief (BR) course to broaden your understanding of BR as an inheritance tax solution and how it could benefit your clients.

CPD Certification
2 hour 30 mins
CPD Resource
Inheritance Tax

Your guide to Inheritance Tax and estate planning

Understand Inheritance Tax (IHT), who it applies to, and some of the solutions that are available when it comes to estate planning.

CPD Certification
30 min read
CPD Resource

From short videos to live webinars, everything you need in one place.

Enhance your professional development with our CPD courses designed for advisers and paraplanners

Explore our simple online CPD courses and get a CPD certification on completion. For bespoke and in-person CPD training sessions delivered by our in-house experts, please get in touch below.

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Man filming an IHT webinar

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