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Downing supports Arsenal to join UN news climate action plan

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Arsenal Football Club continues its lead as a club that is pioneering sustainability in football. Committed to a long-term sustainability programme, Arsenal were the first Premier League club to switch to 100% green electricity before installing one of the world’s largest battery units at a sports ground, funded by Downing LLP and developed by Pivot Power.

Now, they go one step further in their mission to help fight climate change and inspire fans to do the same, as they sign up to the United Nations plan that commits the club to the following five key principles:

  • Undertake systematic efforts to promote greater environmental responsibility
  • Reduce overall climate impact
  • Educate on climate action
  • Promote sustainable and responsible consumption
  • Advocate for climate action through communication

An innovative and impactful environmental initiative that Arsenal has undertaken is installing the 3 MW battery storage system in 2018, that can power the 60,000 seat Emirates Stadium for an entire match. Downing LLP is proud to play a sideline part in Arsenal’s game plan to support the football world’s transition to being more ecologically aware and environmentally friendly.

To read more on this story, visit the BBC.


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