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Energy Infrastructure Team acquires solar asset, Carrow Solar

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The energy and infrastructure team announce the acquisition of a rooftop portfolio, Carrow Solar, comprising 210 distinct installations in Norfolk that were built across 2011 and 2012. A comprehensive due diligence programme focused on energy yield analysis and forecasts in addition to the critical rights for each installation (property, accreditation and subsidies).

Due to Downing’s network of trusted partners, the team was able to secure a bilateral off-market deal on favourable terms.

Carrow Solar adds an attractive collection of assets to the energy portfolio, highlighted by the build quality and high subsidies return. With few UK assets held by long-term owners such as in the case of Carrow Solar, the transaction has benefitted from a smooth handover to Downing’s asset management team, resulting in improvements being made to overall performance, operations and reporting as well as cost control.


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