None of the information provided is investment or tax advice.
You should always read the associated risks before deciding whether to invest. These can be found on the product pages as well as in our risks overview.
Please confirm you have read the information above.


Our investment solutions

Our investment solutions are designed to offer rewarding opportunities for our clients while helping them to invest responsibly for future generations

Your capital is at risk and you may not get back the full amount you invested. VCT investments are long term and high risk. Tax reliefs are subject to change and depend on personal circumstances. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Please read full details of the risks here.

Your capital is at risk, and you may not get back the full amount invested.

Choose from a range of products designed to reduce potential inheritance tax burden, a selection of specialist funds and investment trusts that can diversify an investor's portfolio while aiming for long-term returns, and a platform for quality bonds.
Man and son in stream

Grow wealth

Our product offerings are expertly designed to support your financial goals.

Invest in the future

Support the growth of businesses across a range of sectors including renewable energy, residential property development and healthcare.

Secure inheritance

Become eligible for full inheritance tax relief after only two years by investing in companies whose shares qualify for business relief.

Your capital is at risk and returns are not guaranteed.

Our Products

Father and child playful on grass

Inheritance tax solutions

Our inheritance tax products aim to provide inheritance tax (IHT) relief after only two years. This is achieved by exclusively investing in companies that we believe should qualify for Business Relief.

Downing Fund Managers

Established fund managers offering specialist portfolios that have the potential to offer attractive long-term returns.

MGTS Downing Active Defined Return Assets Fund

Combining systematic derivative strategies with active management to deliver predictable and consistent returns across the economic cycle.

New build houses, investment properties


The Downing bonds platform allows investors to lend to individual businesses of their choice in sectors that they like. We look for companies that can offer some form of asset-backing and provide returns of up to 7.5% per annum.

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Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust

Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust PLC (DORE) is designed to deliver stable and sustainable returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of hydro, solar, wind and other infrastructure assets across the UK and Northern Europe.

How to invest

It is important that both advisers and investors understand our products thoroughly, paying attention to any risks involved before investing. Our dedicated team is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

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Find the right product

We are committed to ensuring our investors are matched with the right product for them. We encourage investors to read our product literature thoroughly and understand the risks.

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Speak to an adviser

At Downing, we are not able to provide financial advice. Investors should consult their financial adviser before making any investment. A financial adviser can create a detailed plan to help investors reach their financial goals.

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Invest with Downing

When investors are ready to invest, they and their adviser should complete the appropriate application form, which can be found on the relevant product pages.

We're here to help

If you are a financial adviser, or discretionary fund manager call  020 7630 3319 or email us at

If you are a private investor call  020 7416 7780 or email