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Parik Chandra

Parik Chandra

Partner and Head of Specialist Lending

Parik joined Downing in August 2017 and heads the Specialist Finance Team, comprising both Property Finance and Wholesale Lending. On the property finance side he is primarily focused on residential development finance, non-speculative commercial development finance and bridging finance, whilst on the wholesale lending side he is focused on providing structured finance facilities to other lenders. Parik has 20 years' financial services experience, predominantly focused on debt and the real estate finance space where he has led over 150 transactions, but has broader experience including leveraged finance, restructuring and private equity placement. Parik spent nearly 10 years within the Corporate Bank at Barclays, including time as a Director in the Real Estate Finance Team, and has also held positions at Funding Circle, Citigroup, Puma Investment Management and Asante Capital Group.

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